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Learn more about us, check out our work, the latest on instagram and contact us. You can also join our Developing Developer Program

Animation & Gaming Using Python

For Kids Ages 6 - 15

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The cost of this Bootcamp is 60,000 for the bootcamp duration.

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About Developing Developers

Empowering, Educating, Motivating, and Inspiring African Youths is the goal of Developing Developers.

They will be taught how to be great entrepreneurs and leaders who will help create the future.

We believe that today’s kids are the ones who will shape the future.
Youth development can help to assure a brighter future.

About the Bootcamp

The Smahile Hub Virtual Coding Boot Camp is an eleven-week intensive training program that will equip participants with a solid basis on which to build their careers as computer programmers and digital entrepreneurs.

The boot camp will hold on February 21 – May 21, 2022. The bootcamp is tailored to suite the  schedule of your kids and classes will be held on Microsoft Teams, WhatsApp, Google Classroom and Slack.

Participants will be taught how to create animations and games using Python Programing Language.

They will work on individual assignments and group challenges to enhance their learning, critical thinking, analysis, and problem-solving abilities. This will serve as a foundation upon which they will mature into successful software developers and IT professionals.

The aim of the boot camp is to encourage more youths to pursue technical careers by empowering them with vital knowledge to facilitate their success.

The camp will end with a virtual closing ceremony where participants get to pitch their projects. Students working in teams will be given capstone projects to work on after which they will join an alumni network to be connected with leading employers.

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